Does the restricted availability of Pappy Van Winkle add to its allure because of its heritage, flavor, or rarity?
It has elements of all three types. A bottle of Pappy Van Winkle was readily available for purchase like any other whisky before the Pappygate scandal broke.
A brief backstory on the robbery.
In 2013, over sixty-five Pappy Van Winkle, Select bottles were reported taken from the Buffalo Trace Distillery. Toby Curtsinger, a storage worker at Buffalo Trace for over two decades, was one of ten people charged with theft after the scandal known as “Pappygate” ended in 2015. Curtsinger, the alleged instigator, was given a 15-year jail term but was freed in 30 days thanks to Kentucky’s “shock probation” program in 2018.
Pappy Van Winkle whisky has gotten more expensive ever since the theft. On the secondary market, the container has been sold for ten times its original price. The rarity has increased its value because collectors have bought up every accessible container. But its only value is as a collector.
The 15-year-old version is highly sought after because it is widely considered to be among the best-tasting bourbons available. The World’s Whiskies Awards, among others, crowned it the finest whisky of the year.
There’s so much history working against you; how will you ever get your hands on a bottle?
Events like conventions, sampling, and album release events are ideal for making connections in your field. You can network for a case of Pappy just like you do at work. Share your frustration at not locating a container with fellow drinkers. Starting points for such a quest include bartenders, bourbon groups, emails, and social media.
Local Liquor Store
Customers sometimes become familiar with the staff at the local booze shop. There are no taboos against it but tread carefully to avoid looking like a moron. Don’t bother them or demand to see “the secret basement.” Do not doubt them if they claim they do not possess any. It’s important to be nice at all times. A case of wine could be the unexpected reward for your generosity.
In recent years, many jurisdictions and businesses have legalized lotteries. Anyone who enters the draw can win a copy of the newest film. There’s no outlay of cash required to participate, making this a fantastic opportunity to save money on a container at the store.
Raise Funds
To generate money, organizers held raffles offering winners a container of Pappy for about $100. Non-profits such as homeless shelters, educational institutions, and others can benefit from the bottle’s fame by using it to raise awareness and funds for a worthy cause. For $100, you can increase your chances of winning significantly, as most groups only offer a small number of entries.
Rural Areas
A bottle of Pappy Van Winkle is found on store shelves in more than just big cities. The distribution list typically includes small rural shops. Visit neighborhood booze shops while traveling or on short vacations. The thrill of the pursuit is matched only by the excitement of the search. If you can’t locate Pappy’s, you can discover some other uncommon whisky.